
    Event CALENDAR

  • Upcoming Events

    See the full event schedule and find rSVP information on the links below

    Scottish International Week 2024

    Online Conference

    The Scottish International Week highlights Scotland's international connections and fosters collaboration between Scottish professionals, entrepreneurs, and innovators across various industries. Through virtual panel discussions, and keynote speeches, the week emphasises Scotland's contributions to global business and innovation, while also promoting its culture and values.

    St Andrew's Book Festival

    Public Festval

    Our friends at Scots in London are hosting the St Andrew's Book Festival from November 25th - December 1st. This brand new fest will bring a whole array of talented Scottish Authors to the London area for a programme of talks and activities.

    SBN London Meetup December

    Public Meetup

    Come and join us for our final London gathering of the year at our beloved Boisdale venue in Belgravia which has looked after us over the years at our london meetups. This is an open and warm gathering to all, a chance to reflect on the year and welcome in the festive season.

  • Want to sponsor one of our events?

    Drop our Head of Operations, Cath Strachan, a message below